Poster making competition was held in Mount Carmel School, Mohali for the students of classes VI to X on the topic “Save Water”.

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May 17, 2019
Mount Carmel School, Sector 69, Mohali organized a grand Fancy Dress Competition for the students of classes I to V in the school premises on 22-5-2019.
May 22, 2019

Poster making competition was held in Mount Carmel School, Mohali for the students of classes VI to X on the topic “Save Water”.

Poster making competition was held in Mount Carmel school, Mohali for the students of classes VI to X on the topic “Save Water”. The purpose of the competition was to enable the students to realize the importance of saving Water for the present as well as for the future consumption. The students participated whole heartedly in this competition, portraying beautiful thoughts and motivational quotes on the canvas thus exhibiting their wondrous imaginations.